Meet our Committee


Ahead of ARA Ireland’s very first virtual AGM we thought we’d use this blog to introduce everyone to the committee, in particular since we are not meeting in person, and unable to mingle. We’re a lovely bunch, honestly, and if you’d like to join us, there is currently a vacancy for a second training officer, working alongside the lovely Fionnuala Parfrey.

Janet Hancock: Chair

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Collecting Ireland's sport stories during COVID-19

News from Europeana

Europeana talks to Killian Downing, archivist at Dublin City University and Kathryn Cassidy, Software Engineer at Digital Repository of Ireland

With public events in 2020 largely cancelled, public engagement events have been difficult. We speak with partners in Ireland who have been working on projects collecting stories from the public during the pandemic.

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ARA Ireland members are all invited to write a blog on their work / collections / institutions.

If you would like to contribute please contact Communications Officer Rebecca O'Neill at